
For a fee, Munro Academy provides daily transportations services between our campuses. (In cases where MA busing is not available, parents are responsible to facilitate transportation to respective campuses.) 

Daily schedule is as follows:


  • 7:40-7:45 am - Sydney pick-up (Salvation Army Church: 55 Inglis Street)
  • 8:10-8:15 am - Coxheath pick-up (County Arena parking lot - 305 Keltic Drive)
  • 8:25-8:30 am - Balls Creek drop-off/pick-up
  • 8:45-8:50 am - North Side drop-off/pick-up
  • 9:15 am - Balls Creek drop-off

Afternoon (School Day - bus @ Balls Creek Campus)

  • 2:50-2:55 pm - Balls Creek pick-up
  • 3:15 pm - North Side drop off
  • 3:25-3:30 pm - North Side pick-up
  • 3:55-4:00 pm - Balls Creek drop-off/pick-up
  • 4:10-4:15 pm - Coxheath drop-off (County Arena parking lot - 305 Keltic Drive)
  • 4:45-4:50 pm - Sydney drop-off (Salvation Army Church: 55 Inglis Street)

Bus Fees

2025-26 School Year

Bus fees do not cover the entirety of busing cost - we continue to be thankful to generous donors who help make this important service possible.

Bus fees for students who regularly use Munro bus services throughout the school year (invoiced with tuition and paid via approved tuition methods):
  • 1st student: $900/year = $5.26/day or 2.63/trip*
  • 2nd student (from same family): $375/year = $2.19/day or $1.10/trip*
  • Additional student(s)(from same family): Free
*Payment for bus usage is invoiced and paid with tuition. Payment may be made in a single lump sum at the start of the school year; 2 lump sum payments at the start of each semester or over the 10 months of the school year on the 1st day of each month in 10 equal payments (a 12 month plan for bus fees is not available).

NOTE: All bus payments are handled solely through Munro's offices - not through the bus driver. Students are required to have a paid payment plan.

Register For Busing Services

Contact either the Balls Creek (BC) school office or the Northside (NS) school office to register for busing services.