Out of respect for the operating costs which are supported by donations, and as a way to fully engage families in the value of the education offered, comprehensive bursary applications are required.

Bursary Support

Munro Academy is dedicated to providing quality academic education from a Christian worldview to as broad a spectrum of our diverse community as possible. The standard expectation is that parents are responsible for all tuition and other school activity costs. In recognition that not all families have financial resources to afford full tuition, Munro Academy offers a needs based bursary program following the process outlined below:

  1. Parents seeking bursary support are asked to fully consider options for meeting the need through:
    a) additional employment possibilities and
    b) seeking support through extended family, friends and church connections.
  2. If these avenues have been sufficiently pursued and education is still inaccessible, parents may apply to Munro Academy’s Bursary Program. Bursary awards are for the current academic year seeking to encourage parents towards self-sustainability. Interested families re-apply each year for Bursary Assistance. 
  3. Applications will be considered by the Munro Academy Board.

Confidentiality regarding financial information disclosed is strictly observed. As per CRA guidelines, Munro Academy generates T4A slips each year in the name of the student bursary recipients  (not in the parent(s)' name(s)). Elementary and secondary school bursaries are not taxable (see CRA Tax Guide, Line 130).

How to apply for bursary support

  1. Submit Munro Academy Bursary Assistance Application form (available from the office).
  2. ​Submit a copy of the previous year’s Income Tax Return, or Notice of Assessment, showing “Line 15000” and “Line 26000” amounts of parents/guardians who are financially responsible for student(s).
  3. Applications will be considered by the Munro Academy Board and you will be notified of their decision.

     Confidentiality regarding financial information disclosed is strictly observed.